We're Just Missing You

A Spirit Filled AG Church in Grants Pass, Oregon since 1927

Meeting Times:

Sun Service 10am & 5pm, Wed Ministries 6:30 pm

Church Address:

229 NE Beacon Dr., Grants Pass, OR 97526

Watch Live Stream:

Sundays, 10:00 am

Welcome to Parkway

At Parkway Christian Center we meet every Sunday for a time of passionate worship, a challenging message and an opportunity to respond to God’s Word. We love God, love people and go all in together.

Current Teaching Series

We will be a House of Truth.

We are committed to studying, understanding, preaching, and practicing the totality of the infallible Word of God.

John Anderson - March 16, 2025

Sunday: Declaration Sunday!

YouTube video

We heard from 3 ministry leaders this Sunday on Prayer + Outreach, Discipleship, and A Place for Everyone 1- Crystal Allemand who challenged us to see our life as a mission field. That we are called to go out into the community and world as sowers and waters, not just harvesters. Then she shared about the upcoming opportunities at Parkway for prayer and outreach. 2- Mark Swanburg shared about the difference between believing and following. How discipleship happens when you are in The Word and in Relationship with God. That through Discipleship, you can discover your gifts. 3- John Anderson challenged us by asking us, "Why are you here?" Then talked about how the body is made of many parts and a dangerous prayer we can be praying, "Here I am Lord, USE ME!" If you want to connect in any of these ways, fill out a connect card at parkwaycc.com/connectcard and let us know!


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Upcoming Events

There is always something happening at Parkway. From connecting to a specific ministry or reaching out to our community.

A Personal Note From Pastor Jason

YouTube video

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