
Supporting Global Workers locally and around the world.

Africa, South Africa, West Africa, East Asia, SouthEast Asia, Eastern Europe, South America, Eurasia, Asia, North America

Mission Goals

2024: We have a goal of raising $100,000 for 2024. As of September 30, 2024 we have raised $58,190.61

2023: We raised $104,526

2022: We raised $60,560


Global Worker Spotlight

There are many places that Global Workers serve around the world that cannot be named because of the hostility to the Gospel in certain regions. These are the few we can safely mention.

Michael Turner
RED Ministries


RED ministries is the mission outreach vision of Michael and Natasha Turner. This organization was created to facilitate the communication of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world and has three main points of focus, REACH, EQUIP, DEPLOY.

For two decades Michael,Natasha and their band Red Rain have been Reaching the unreached with the message of Jesus. Using the powerful medium of music, this mission has taken them to over 40 countries.

The second focal point of Red’s ministry is equipping. With two decades of full time ministry behind them Michael and Natasha have learned timeless principles from the bible that have helped sustain them in all seasons.

The third focal point of Red’s vision is to create pathways for others to take the message of Jesus to the world.

Chi Alpha (XA)
Campus Ministries


We, Christian and Ramona have served with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries (XA) since Fall 2006. After having been students involved with XA, we were called to impact university students the way that we were impacted for Christ. In 2007, we pioneered our first campus ministry at Skagit Valley College in Mt. Vernon, WA. We served there for 11 years, and in 2018, we re-pioneered a XA at Oregon State University. Along the way, we gathered five fantastic little missionaries. Our passion is to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world with the power of Christ.

In our time at Oregon State University, we have grown a conviction to see the state of Oregon changed for the gospel. Currently, more people in Oregon identify as atheist, agnostic, or not religiously affiliated than a Bible believing Christian. This motivates us. We don't just want to plant a campus ministry. Our passion is to reach and train students with Christ to help them be His witnesses to transform the state of Oregon for His kingdom.

The Kramers


Steve and Julie Kramer and their two children, Kees and Sela, have been missionaries for over 20 years, including 10 in the Netherlands. They serve in the local churches there in the areas of compassion, outreach, and discipleship using Steve’s miraculous and powerful testimony. Steve was born a miracle, weighing only three pounds and two-and-a half months premature and doctors weren’t sure if he would survive. But God had other plans.

They have been invited by the Dutch Assemblies of God to train, equip and mobilize the local church to minister to the most vulnerable in their communities and are excited to see all God will do in bringing the hope and love of Jesus to people in the Netherlands.

Laurel Ellis
Latin America


The year 2022 marked 40 years since Rick and Laurel began serving as global workers in South America. They helped plant churches in Argentina, Paraguay and Santiago, Chile. From there they launched out on their own planting churches in Loja, Ecuador and in the Concepción, Chile area. In 2017 Rick unexpectedly died of a heart attack.

Laurel continues as a global worker living in Cuenca, Ecuador where she ministers alongside Ecuadorian pastors and the US team, helping them to expand their ministries including church planting as well as identifying and developing leaders. She is also involved in training and mentoring new Ecuadorian and US global workers.

Laurel has three grown sons who were all born in South America, two of them are married with one child each.

Bill & Carol Paris


Bill & Carol Paris serve as Pastors at Rock Point Church in Iwakuni, Japan.

"The Holy Spirit has been revealing to us at Rock Point Church more about the immeasurable, incomparable love of God as we meet twice daily on Zoom to pray together. God’s love is exciting, and we never stop growing in it. We are believing God to change our hearts, save our families and redeem our city."

"Japan needs Jesus and Rock Point Church wants to be a part of sharing God’s love. Pray with us for more to be involved in prayer, that they grow in love, and that they share with those around them."

Robin Malcom


Robin Malcolm has served the children of Africa since1998. She served alongside her late husband Phil, in numerous African nations, training and equipping local churches. She has also helped with the implementation of locally sustainable humanitarian projects such as orphan care, education, and clean water solutions. Phil passed in 2022, but Robin continues the work.

Robin’s vision is to see a healthy, child-friendly church within walking distance of every African child. She trains church leaders and teachers at all levels how to effectively reach, teach, and nurture young disciples. She also works to improve the access of local churches to resources and curriculum. Robin is currently working on a five-year Children’s church curriculum which will survey the entire Bible and is culturally appropriate for even the most rural churches. She is also working on translation projects and developing new resources for African children’s ministry.
Robin and Phil are the authors of Shaping the Clay: Children’s Ministry for Transformation, which is currently part of the core reading for Bible school training of new pastors in Africa.

Tamara Henkes


In 2020, Tamara followed God’s calling to transfer to Montenegro, a small Balkan country in the former Yugoslavia region of Southeastern Europe, after serving in Romania since 2006. Tamara has partnered with one of only two Montenegrin pastors in the country. She is serving on leadership at Lighthouse Christian Center, a small church plant with a big vision to reach Montenegro. This small country currently has only a few hundred people who follow Jesus. Many in Montenegro identify as culturally Orthodox yet have no concept of having a personal relationship with Jesus.

In addition to learning the language, Tamara, alongside the leadership team, assists in this church plant through preaching, teaching, leading next-generation ministries, discipleship, assisting with various administrative duties, and, collectively, together through prayer and fasting seeking the Lord for His vision for His church to reach those He deeply loves in this difficult and pioneer mission field.