Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ)

Hiding God’s Word in the Hearts of Kids

Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) was created and designed to help children develop a love for the Bible and an understanding of its truth.
  • JBQ Meets on Wednesday Nights at 6:30p in the Ed Wing during the weekly rhythm at Royal Rangers during the Bible portion time.
  • Open to students 4yrs old through 6th grade
Sign up for JBQ
Parkway Cc Kids Jbq 1

Ever wonder what difference it makes to have kids memorize God's word as a child? 

This powerful video shows the impact Scripture can have.
YouTube video

Interested in contributing to JBQ?

By saying YES, you will be helping children learn to hide God’s Word in their hearts! Your gift will allow these Quizzers the opportunity to travel to competitions as well as earn rewards for their huge commitment.

If you wish to participate, please let us know in your offering.

  • Click the link below
  • On the pull down menu, select “Junior Bible Quiz”
  • A one time gift of $400 will sponsor a Quizzer for a full year.
  • Set your contribution as a recurring monthly for $10, $20 or other amount
Donate to JBQ
YouTube video