A message from the series “Prayer & Worship Nights.” Jesus came down not to be worshiped but to serve. Listen as Jayden Smotherman, a second year intern at Parkway, talks about the role of God’s people.

A message from the series “The Five: Genesis.” Genesis – ultimately tells us that God is His sovereignty will constantly chase after a relationship with His creation, not because He is desperate, but because He desires you. The Truth is that God is sovereign. In His sovereignty, He gave you and I choice. In that choice, before we could choose Him, He chose us.

A message from the series “Prayer & Worship Nights.” Listen to Terry Sage as he gives testimony from his life of how the fire of the Holy Spirit has impacted and guided his life.

A message from the series “Prayer & Worship Nights.” Join us as Bear Perrin challenges us to have courage as we step into the gifts we are called to walk out together in oneness.

A message from the series “The Five: Genesis.” Faith is the substance of belief that the God who made a way for me already, is making a way for me to become the person He has called me to be. He is both out front calling me and behind me defending me.

A message from the series “The Five: Genesis.” Pastor Jay is continuing the series on Genesis called The Five with part 3, Covenants. Listen as Pastor Jay outlines the various elements of a covenant, the different covenants, and our responsibilities in the New Covenant.

A message from the series “Prayer & Worship Nights.” DJ Moore shares why the Body of Christ is so incredible. Each made with our own individual talents. We have the keys that can unlock certain doors for certain people in this community. That’s what makes the body of Christ so incredible. Different people, with different stories and backgrounds, coming together under the same banner and mandate to go out into the world and preach the gospel.

A message from the series “The Five: Genesis.” The line between what you can do and what you should do only gets larger when you remain un-submitted to God and his ways. Choice created the atmosphere where two kingdoms can live simultaneously. Find out more as Pastor Jay continues in Part 2 in the sermon series “The Five: Genesis” talking about The Fall of Man.

A message from the series “2024 Sunday Specials.” Join Junior Childers, as he preaches through Genesis 6 and lesson’s we can learn as we watch Noah follow his calling.

A message from the series “21 Days of Prayer.” Day 21/21 – Pray for Shift from Government to People

A message from the series “The Five: Genesis.” Pastor Jay is kicking off the new series The Five by digging into the Book of Genesis. The first main theme of Genesis is Creation.

Observation of the biblical account of Creation:
1-God is Sovereign
2-God Desires Relationship
3-God Has a Role for You

A message from the series “21 Days of Prayer.” Day 20/21 – Pray for Entertainment and Culture