A message from the series “Open Heaven.” Open Heaven is the mandate that we are not merely servants but invited to be friends with God.
The War We Wage is 3-fold:
1. The War of the Spirit
2. The War of Sin (Flesh)
3. The War of Religion

A message from the series “Open Heaven.” Forerunners create the atmosphere of expectancy. The atmosphere of expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles. In Part 4 of the series on Open Heaven, Pastor Jay talks through five atmosphere killers.
1. Religious Judgement
2. Religious Form
3. Willing Ignorance
4. Shame and Condemnation
5. Silence

A message from the series “The Pursuit of Substance.” Pastor Jay sits with Rikki and Bear Perrin to discuss the recent series “The Pursuit of Substance, A Study on 1 Peter.” This was the first series here at Parkway where Pastor Jay lead us verse by verse through a single book of the Bible. The heart of this series was an invitation to maturity, to the deep end of the things of God.

Listen as they discuss ways to study the bible, the hangups of each, and key take-aways from this series.

A message from the series “Open Heaven.” There are five qualifications of the forerunners of the early church as seen in Stephen (Acts 6:1-8):
– Good Reputation: Character and Integrity
– Full of the Holy Spirit: Fruit and Gifts
– Full of the Word of God: Grounded in Him
– Full of Faith: Action Flowing from Being
– Full of Power: the Signs Followed His Belief

A message from the series “Open Heaven.” In Acts 6-8, Stephen talks about God of the Open Heaven. If we are going to see God rule and reign in our lives, we need to be willing to destroy patterns that are controlling us. Patterns are demonic strongholds in your life that God says you don’t have to live with anymore. Why do we get stuck in our patterns? Because they are comfortable.

Watch as Pastor Jay identifies patterns in our lives and identifies a way out of the cycle.

A message from the series “Open Heaven.” Pastor Jay talks about declaring a season of Open Heaven to come.

In Part 1, Pastor Jay lays a foundation for this series. In Acts 7:44-56, Stephen is telling the religious leaders of the day that they have known the God of the tent, they have seen the God of the house (that Solomon built), but he is declaring to them, that they are going to declare and know the God that is part of the Open Heaven.

What Stephen is saying is that before, they had to have a mediator, but now they are being invited to have a direct relationship because God is the God of the Open Heaven.

A message from the series “2024 Sunday Specials.” Sometimes we share space with people, but we don’t know them. God is calling us to be intentional with our relationships. A Father’s Day Message with Men’s Ministry Leader, Mark Swanburg

A message from the series “2024 Sunday Specials.” Knocked Down Not Out

In Acts 14. Paul was stoned. But he didn’t quit. He may have gotten knocked down, but he was not knocked out. Because what the enemy used as a setback, God is going to use as a comeback.

Acts 14:19-20
Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead. But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe.

A message from the series “2024 Sunday Specials.” From Tragedy to Triumph, Dave Roever’s story had us laughing and crying this weekend. Hear his story. Hear his word for the church today.

Psalm 119:71
It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.

A message from the series “2024 Sunday Specials.” Disagreement creates the crossroads for unity or destruction.
We speak often of unity, agreement, like mindedness, and togetherness. We rarely, if ever, spend any time speaking about the vehicle that creates the opportunity for unity. There is a power in disagreement, IF it leads to the TRUTH found in the Lord.

A message from the series “Legacy.” The heart of the Legacy Project is to RESTORE, REBUILD + REVIVE various areas and structures here at Parkway. Listen to this multigenerational conversation as we talk about the tension between honoring the past and forging into the future.

A message from the series “2024 Sunday Specials.” In all of our changing seasons, God doesn’t change. Seasons of change can be hard, can be so new and different and unknown or even unplanned or unexpected, but in seasons of change, YOU CAN TRUST GOD’S GOODNESS FOR YOU, STILL.

You can trust God in seasons of change, BECAUSE, He is good. And BECAUSE He IS good, he wasn’t to use this season of change to grow you.