By Marcos Chumacero
Hey, Parkway, this is Marcos Chumacero with day 16 of 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, Generation to Generation. Nowadays, we see in education, we see on entertainment, and social media, how the young generation is being affected by the enemy. We see them, with more negative thoughts. We see them depressed, anxious, doubting themselves, sadness and negative feelings.
But this is why now, more than before, we have to pray protection for them. We, the past generation, also have to be examples with our lives. We have to guide them towards Jesus. We have to help plant that seed that eventually will grow. And them, the young generation, we also have to listen to the generation and the life they have gone through.
They’ve done works for the Lord. And we have to respect that. We have to listen to their advice, their wise words. There has to be mutual respect, because it doesn’t matter at the end. Which generation we are. It’s just like Ephesians 2:10 says, for we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
So let’s pray. Dear God, thank you for this day. Thank you for every day’s blessings. Lord, we pray that we’re protection for the young generation. And, Lord, we pray that you can give them patience, wisdom, strength, Lord, through whatever they may be facing. Lord, with whatever the enemy might bring, we just pray that you can protect them.
And we also pray that you could use us, a past generation, to be an example for them. Lord, with our lives, we just pray that you can help us, in the words to say to them, Lord. And we just pray that, for a younger generation, to have mutual respect with the past generation.
Lord, that together we can live for your glory, Lord, honoring your glory with our lives. Lord, in Jesus name we pray.
God bless.