By Pastor St. John and Pastor Ronda Eyre
Hey, I’m Pastor St. John and I’m Pastor Ronda. And today on our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting we’re here to talk about children. What a blessing it is to talk about children. We had two children ourselves, both adults and thriving in today’s world. But we just wanted to be mindful of things and how hard it is for children today to exist in this world and the challenges they face.
And I’m talking children, if you have grown children like we do, if you have wee little ones underfoot, or even for a lot of you, grandma and grandpa, that they’re your grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Well, children are a blessing of God. We know that there are a lot of children that don’t have homes and good families to live in, and we just want to bring them to the Lord today and to ask God to touch them and to bless them and to just be with them. It’s not an easy world that we’re living in, and we want to just pray for those children that don’t have homes and that are living in a foster home situation, that their foster families would be a blessing to them, just as their regular families would be.
So really, not just to pray for the children, but also the many organizations that we have, in our community here. If you think of CASA, you think of DHS, so thankful for the Pregnancy Care Center and its stance and its fight for children that are facing abortion. We just ask that you would join us in prayer over these things and just pray that God will continue to be known in the lives of little ones.
We are praying a blessing over each and every one of your homes that are raising children still. And, blessings for you as well to continue to be lifelong influences in these children’s lives. As we do for our own kids as well. And, we are excited that, you know, we are now, foster parent grandparents. And our children have just taken in three foster kids.
All right, so join us as we pray now for the children and the many organizations that help support, in helping and caring for our children.
Father, we just come before you, and we thank you for your scripture that says, blessed is a man whose quiver is full. Lord God, that, they are, counted in righteousness unto us. So, Father, we ask that you protect the children of our community. Those that are in preschool, elementary, middle and high school, those that are in our colleges as well. We pray for our adult children, that they continue to seek and trust after you.
And so, Lord, we trust you for all these things. We give you praise and we give you glory. Be a blessing. Honor so many servants that serve the children of our community. Lord, I even hear a child in the background now and I’m so thankful for that. So bless our DHS workers, our workers at CASA. Lord God, the staff of the Pregnancy Care center.
Lord God, in many areas we give you praise and glory. In Jesus name, Amen.