A message from the series “2024 Sunday Specials.” Everyone has been given a gift set and many have had years, decades to grow and develop that gift set, but have yet to boldly deploy their gift to be used to reach the world around you with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If we want to reach our world we will have to depend on the Boldness that only the Holy Spirit can give.

Join Pastor Kylee as she speaks about the mission of the Fine Arts Youth Ministry and hear as two of our Youth Students, Aylah Graves and Ben Waggoner present their short sermons from the Fine Arts Festival.

A message from the series “The Pursuit of Substance.” Attitude is often times the only difference between our success and failure.
When God wants to educate someone, He does not send them to the school of blessings but to the school of sufferings. What is my attitude in the midst of suffering?

A message from the series “The Pursuit of Substance.” God will never ask you to give something up without giving you something that is greater to put in it’s place. The quicker we can close the gap between the giving and replacing, the less time we spend with the enemy in our ear. But, how do we do that?

A message from the series “2024 Sunday Specials.” Are we a church of Christians that have been domesticated? Have we lost the art for doing what we were designed to do?

There is a warrior in every single person.

A message from the series “The Pursuit of Substance.” When God gets in your boat, you will realize that His ways are higher than your ways. His thoughts are higher than your thoughts. When Pride gets in the way, it becomes the gateway to the Fateful Five.

Fateful 5: Malice, Deceit, Hypocrisy, Envy, Slander

Four Godly Pillars of a Society
1. Church Relationships and Christian Community operating without the Fateful 5.
2. Government Institutions who punish evil and praise good.
3. Healthy Authority Structures: Victors, not victims
4. Submitting to God’s Structure for the Family

A message from the series “The Pursuit of Substance.” Jesus wasn’t just “resting” on Saturday. He went down to death and hades, and he conquered the things that had yet to be conquered so that you an dI can have a victorious living life. He broke the cycles that people would live in.

What happened on Saturday is we had to stop trying to hold onto God and now, we are in God’s hand and he is now holding onto us.

A message from the series “The Pursuit of Substance.” You are a part of the Collective. If a Christian collective never understands who they are, they will never become what they were purposed to be.
You are a race (shared beginning). You Belong.
You are a priesthood. You have unique value and purpose.
You are a Holy Nation. You are set apart as special.
You are a King’s Possession. You are watched out for.

A message from the series “The Pursuit of Substance.” In 1 Peter:22-2:8, Peter talks about three important Kingdom precepts.
1. The Sure Foundation
2. Community Destroying Vices (The Fateful Five)
3. Living Stones

Community destroying vices (The Fateful Five) are often tolerated by the church and left to steep between the members of the church and they are destroying communities because they have not been called out.

A message from the series “2024 Sunday Specials.” “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”  Eph 6:13

When you take a stand for something you will have people who agree and disagree. People who like you and people who hate you, but it is impossible to take a stand for something and please everyone. When Christ came into the world, he drew a line. Not a line to cross or a line to avoid, but a line to stand upon.

We stand up for Jesus by:
1. Being Different
2. Removing the Excuses
3. Showing the Father

A message from the series “The Pursuit of Substance.” The world will fan the flame of victimhood. The word of God will fan the flame of victory, through forgiveness, sanctification, and maturity. 1 Peter 1:2 states in comes through the sanctifying work of the Spirit.

1 Peter never talks about how to become a victim, but how to faithfully endure and flourish in all seasons. We have been given “a new birth into a living hope.” (1 Peter 1:3) A new perspective that is incompatible with past perspectives.

A message from the series “The Pursuit of Substance.” Persecution & suffering are a part of the process, but God promises us a light in the tunnel, not just at the end of the tunnel.

This is part 1 of the series on the Book of 1 Peter. Be introduced to Peter as a man that experienced and witnessed many things yet wrote nothing about his experiences, but on substance that we can apply to our lives today. How we can prepare for the suffering that produces the advancement of the Kingdom in and through us.

A message from the series “2024 Sunday Specials.” Worry strangles us. Trust in the Lord strengthens us.

The Truth about Trusting:
1. Be Confident in God’s Care (Proverbs 3:5)
2. Be Committed to God’s Purpose (Proverbs 3:6)
3. Be Controlled By God’s Will (Proverbs 3:6)

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.