A message from the series “21 Days of Prayer.” Day 2/21 – Pray for the School Districts
A message from the series “21 Days of Prayer.” Day 1/21 – Pray for the Body of Christ
A message from the series “The Arrival of Christmas.” Parkway Presents, A Thrill of Joy!
A message from the series “Prayer & Worship Nights.” When we rejoice in the Lord in spite of our situations we release the resources of Heaven to go to work on our behalf. In Isaiah 54:2 we are told to ‘enlarge the place of your tent’. In this message, Chad Wiltrout goes through 4 ways we can rejoice and enlarge the tent.
1- Be strong and courageous
2- We obey everything He commands
3- Meditate on His Word, day and night
4- Keep His law always on our lips
A message from the series “Prayer & Worship Nights.” To know the father is eternal life (John 17:3). It’s not that He doesn’t know us, it’s that we’re not pursuing Him. The reason the father sent the son and the reason the son came was not first that we would have eternal life, but that a relationship with the father would be restored. Are we focused on the eternal life destination, or are we focusing on knowing Him?
A message from the series “The Arrival of Christmas.” The arrival of Jesus was more than unexpected but unlike what anyone would have expected. The arrival of Jesus was an arrival of love. But this love was unlike how our culture defined love. This love was not a redefining of love but a realignment to the true Love that God intended for humanity to experience and have towards each other. A humble, unconditional, benevolent love. It’s this love that not only teaches but empowers us how we should love others.
A message from the series “21 Days of Prayer.” Join us for 21 Days of Prayer + Fasting
Find out more information about our 21 Days of Prayer + Fasting at parkwaycc.com/21prayer
A message from the series “The Arrival of Christmas.” Week 2 of Advent: The Arrival of Peace
Where is your peace in the storm? The storms of life are our reality, but it does not need to be our focus. If we focus on the storms that we are in, we will not experience the peace of God. Peace is not the absence of conflict or storms but the presence of Christ while in your conflict or storm.
A message from the series “Prayer & Worship Nights.” We all have something within us that can resonate with a whisper. In this message by Carissa Moddison we are shown how to be a people that resonate with the truth of God’s word and the whisper of the Holy Spirit, not the lies of the enemy. All so we can be a people that is called into a freedom that is active and overflowing.
A message from the series “The Arrival of Christmas.” Week 1 of Advent: The Arrival of Hope
Jesus is better than anything else you could put your hope in. A hope that is rooted in anything but the reality of Jesus in our lives, will leave us disappointed.
Hebrews 6:19-20 “19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, 20 where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”
Our ultimate Hope is found in the very presence of God in Jesus Himself.
A message from the series “Raise the Standard.” Living at the Table of Thanksgiving:
1. Fixes your focus on what’s above the table not below it.
2. Fastens your identity to whose you are not who you are.
3. Forces you to run from shame and take your rightful place.
A message from the series “Prayer & Worship Nights.” Prayer is a powerful tool in our belt when it comes to spiritual warfare. In this message from Crystal Allemand, she walks us through a Prayer Ripple. To download a copy of the Prayer Ripple, visit parkwaycc.com/sermons and look at the sermon notes for “Prayer + Worship Night: Prayer Ripple”